Verizon Wireless Feature
Here's a list of Verizon Wireless feature codes I found while
browsing the web. Re-posting them here so I don't lose the list as
I've found it useful (and to share it with you too!).
Note: this list is a bit dated and some of
the codes may have been discontinued or may not work in all areas.
#832 test call
#PMT (768) make a payment
#BAL (225) check current balance and last payment
#MIN (646) check minute usage
#DATA (3282) check txt and pic message usage
*611 customer service
*511 gives weather and traffic in some areas
*228 update your Preferred Roamers List or update the software on
your Phone (CDMA phones only)
*228 80 force update, ignore fails
*228 99 force secondary tower update
*228 00 original tower update
Feature Codes:
*18Turn On Follow-Me-Roaming
*19Turn Off Follow-Me-Roaming
*35Turn Off Automatic Call Delivery
*350Turn On Automatic Call Delivery
*67Caller-ID Blocking
*71+10 digit phone numberBusy/No Answer Call Forwarding
*710Cancel Busy/No Answer Call Forwarding
*72+10 digit phone numberCall Forwarding (All Calls)
*720Cancel Call Forwarding (All Calls)
*73Cancel All Call Forwarding
*86(VM)Voice Mail
*228(ACT)Activation/Update PRLs
#646(MIN)Check Minutes Usage
#225(BAL)Check Balance
#3282(DATA)Check Text Messages/Data Usage
#768(PMT)Make a Payment
#832-Verizon Wireless Test Call
Service Numbers (AF-Airtime Free):
#ROAD(7623)Roadside Assistance (If you subscribe)
#84(VG)Voice Gear ($0.50 + airtime for each call)
#8899(VZWT)Verizon Wireless Account Investigation/Tech Support
411Directory Assistance ($1.25 + airtime for each call)
*24(CG)Coast Guard Assistance (AF)
*611 or 611Customer Service (AF)
711Voice Relay Service (to call TDY/TDD devices) (AF in some
911Local Emergency Services (AF)
0Local Operator/Emergency Services (in areas where there is no 911)
*226(BAM)Customer Service (In former Bell Atlantic Mobile markets
only) (AF)
Pennsylvania Service Numbers:
*11Pennsylvania Turnpike Emergency Services (AF)
*DUI(384)Report a Drunk Driver (AF)
*12Parkway Emergency (Pittsburgh Only) (AF)
#211SmarTraveler (Greater Philadelphia only) (AF)
Ohio Service Numbers:
#990Ohio Turnpike Emergency Services (AF)
*622 Time & Weather (Cleveland Area Only)
*228 (Option 1) Programming + PRL
*228 (Option 2) PRL
*22890 Programming + PRL (Automated)
*22891 PRL (Automated)
*22899 Data Reprogramming + Programming + PRL (Automated)
*67 Block Caller ID (Per Call)
*82 Unblock Caller ID (Per Call)
*71 [+10 Digit Mobile] Busy/No Answer Transfer (Calls forwarded
only if the line is busy or you do not answer)
*710 Cancel Busy/No Answer Transfer
*72 [+10 Digit Mobile] Immediate Call Forwarding (Calls forwarded
regardless of status)
*720 Cancel Immediate Call Forwarding
*73 Cancel All Call Forwarding
*411/411 Dir Assistance
*511/511 Travel/Traffic Info (?)
*611/611 Customer Service
*711/711 TTY/TTD/Voice Relay (?)
311 Non-Emergency Police Calls (?)
911 Emergency Police Calls
#7623 (ROAD) Roadside Assistance
#84 (VG) VoiceGear (Still in use?)
*86 (VM) Voicemail
#3282 (DATA) Check Data Usage
#646 (MIN) Check Minute Usage
#225 (BAL) Check Balance
#768 (PMT) Make A Payment
#729 (PAY) Refill Prepaid (?)
#832 (VZW) Test Call
#777 (SPS?) Data Session Call
922/923 GPS Location (?)
#88 Alternate Voicemail (?)
*77 Octale Voice Information Processing (?)
*18 Follow-Me Roaming ON (?)
*19 Follow-Me Roaming OFF (?)
*350 Automatic Call Delivery ON (?)
*35 Automatic Call Delivery OFF (?)
*864 Voicemail ON (?)
*866 Voicemail OFF (?)
*** Marker (Dial this after a dropped call for Voice Technicians
to locate when/where the dropped call occured)
*86 go to voicemail
1 Rewind
1-1 Rewind to beginning of message
2 Pause
3 Fast Forward (can be used when leaving a message to get to the
beep faster)
3-3 Fast Forward to end of message
4 Slower
5 Envelope Info (date/time message was sent)
6 Faster
7 Delete Message
8 Reply (only works with other Verizon Wireless Voice Mail
subscribers in your own area)
9 Save message
* Cancel/Exit
0 Help
# Finish/Skip
Last updated on
Monday, July 20, 2015
03:50 AM -0400
©2015 Matthew Furman
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